Geez. This blog is lapsing into being depressive and angsty all over again.
Maybe I'm just bored. Ho-hum.
Diet is going to the dogs. Nevermind last night at Williams' chowing down a gargantuan plate of beef carbonara with extra EXXTTRRRAAA cheese... I got up this morning with a craving for sambal and chapati... silencing it by riding down to the mamak below the gym for a fix. Then on a whim went to McD for a McFlurry and some fries - tried that new Oreo Mudpie McFlurry, which proved pretty good. :D Then again I'm a huge fan of my sweets... lol.
Oh yea GGKL yesterday was awesome. It's smaller now, after moving to City Square.... but Tom says it's only temporary. Goodness must be expensive to keep moving like that. And no more fireman pole... :( Takes awhile for me to get used to the layout and to find what I need, but still! Golds Gym has my favorite selection of equips compared to all the others out there and I had a KILLER back day!!
Probably THE most valuable piece of plastic I'll ever own... ;)
Oh yea new records! 110lbs at the compound row machine and 90lbs at the narrow lat pulldown!!! Wheeeee this calls for celebration.... LOL! Hahahaha...
Shit I still don't know what to train at EF today...
Oh yea... I still haven't gotten my photos from the 1000wajah Merdeka Jubilee shoot yet... which is kinda irritating me too. *sigh* Been awhile since I've done any shoots.....
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