Thursday, July 3, 2008


Not quite there yet.

College has been taxing tho... and it's only the third day back!!! And oh God my schedule SUCKS SHIT. And guess what, there will be NO GYM RAKYAT CLASSIC THIS YEAR. Something about the budget and fundings and shit. Blah. How fucked up is that????

Nevertheless.... I've finally pushed past the plateau!!!! Kimmie is benching 88lbs on the Smith machine now!!!!!!! Wooooooooohhhhh!!!!~ Rosli and some of the guys said today I'm getting very big already... and that I have a great back. Kekekekekeke THANK YOU ERNIE, SAYANG.... Barbell rows rock!

On the downside....... can you people just STOP bloody asking me if I'm on sustenol or stanafuckingzolol? I know I've gone up in size in the past month... am very very happy with my definition and lifting stats and everything.... and I'm lifting either heavier or on a par with most of the dudes at EFS.... but hello!? Having backne doesn't mean "Ohmigod she's doing anabol!!!!" I worked my ass off for every inch of that muscle! You'll know if I'm on the stuff if I start keeping a goatee and have a voice like Batista. I'll keep you guys informed kaay??? *rolls eyes*

Tsk theres a nagging ache in my shoulder.... =.=

Oh have I mentioned there are big flooofy pillows in the women's changing room????

Kimmie post-workout....
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Nyaaaaaiii~ *contented*

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Eih.... nak tido... kamera simpan la.... =.=

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Enough la go away laaaa....... T.T