Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sister site launched!!!

"I live in the past... but then again its the past that pushes me forward and keeps me doing what I do. I refuse to let go... for hatred and vengeance is my fuel and drive. So don't judge me for 'revelling' in the memory of those who hurt and wronged me... keeping alive my own rage and wrath... Keeping the desire to overthrow. "

Just a random rant I had to get off my chest. Been feeling down and depressed for awhile... so bogged down with everything.... Well now.

The sister site.... MY MODELLING PORTFOLIO.... is up and running! I constructed everything FROM SCRATCH (except for the background.... x.x)... my banners, link buttons etc...!! Look out for the new link on my sidebar... take a look and gimme some feedback kays?? xoxo

Busy busy busy..... back to work now....