Heck. How often do you get to dump asam pedas on Jaclyn Victor's head??? XD
And of course, being in good company always makes the working process alot more pleasant. Thank you to everyone on the production crew and makeup team... and Mok who has been sending me home every night. Oh and of course.... Terry, Lilian and Ibrahim (who shall be christened from this day forward as Abang Kentut. And NO I am NOT suffering from "withdrawal symptoms", thank you very much!!!). Thank you guys for making it so much fun. Especially Lilian, who has been like a big sister to me. It's really amazing how close you can feel to someone after 10 days. I hope we all shall meet again very, very soon!!
And without further ado, here are some pics from Terry's cam!
Me and Lilian on the first day!
More random pics of the set
Part of the set also... there's a pool right up on that stage there to push contestants in! *evil*
Me with Terry and Ibrahim
Me and Lilian again in costume!
And then they told us to cover up even more cos Astro might not approve the program =.= All that dieting gone to waste.... oh and they feed us carbs!! It's seriously so hard to stick to a good diet when you're cold and hungry all the time also... and not working out, to top it all off.
One episode featured bodybuilders as contestants!! So we had Azahar, Ismadi, Ubai and Syed Iqbal on the show. Fuuh I tell you.... that was ONE EPIC EPISODE!!! It was HILARIOUS!!!! They literally decimated the set and flooded the stage!!
And us with our very funny host, Din Beramboi as Raja Kapur!
Again.... thank you everyone for making this happen and thank you for the wonderful experience!! It's been a very, very intense and happening 10 days, and I may be very relieved to be back in the gym and being back to my old routines... but I wouldn't trade that for the world!
Time to start gearing up for the upcoming shoots. Running out of time now - body has to be at it's best a.s.a.p!!! :D
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