Sunday, December 7, 2008

So I got kicked out of the Tropicana gym.........
Well how the fck do they know things like my card has expired and where exactly to find me...

Well no big loss either since their gym's pretty pussy-fied anyways. Well.... no asshole is going to deprive me of my workout despite having booted me off my treadmill in a rather undignified fashion... Armed with lotsa Powerman 5000 and Disturbed, I literally hit the road - jogging. Yeap. the clubhouse to the main guardhouse and back, and then all the way to the manteinance complex in the other direction, and further up the housing estate. Would've gone further if only it didn't start raining...... =.=

And then it was a mad sprint UPHILL (with Triple H's King of Kings playing repeatedly and yes it's still stuck in my head) all the way back.

Oh wells. There we have it. An hour-long run (more or less) on tarmac to welcome LV home to hardcore training. BOOYAH!

That being said.... I am indeed feeling much better and as fit as a fiddle after being in bed for 2 whole days. :) OK well besides moaning and groaning and making a big bitch of myself this is what I've been doing....

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Cute right???? :DDD

Aaaah... reliving childhood memories of my bro and I blasting the living crap outta each other's adorable teams. Lol. Only difference is that I play against the PC and am alot, ALOT more competant now. :P Wheees.... lifeless, no?

And Kim and Ernie will be off for our rendezvous in Singapore till Saturday... maybe stopping over in Johor on the way back as well. So in my absence the blog will of course be stagnant. And then be filled with annoyingly long posts upon our return. XD So do continue to support Kimmie's blog!!

And yes my dear stalkers... yes you, you all know who you are and I know who you all are too... I still dont give a shit about what you think and will continue to be "offensive, loose and crude". It's my effing blog so keep YOUR offensive, loose and crude opinions to yourself. :D *biiiig hug*

Lol Haha.... Here's to almost an entire week of painting town red, green, purple or whatever damn colour we want and robbing sex boutiques. :P Ta-ta!!

[edit @ 1:49am] Heres something to keep you occupied while I'm away..... It's called The 12 Gays of Christmas and I got it off :P Yea yea I know it's too early for Christmas but I enjoyed this and thought I'd pass it around. ^^ Hehes. AND NO IT'S NOT GUY-GUY ACTION PORN.

^^ Ciao~