Saturday, June 13, 2009


Okay this is probably gonna sound really stupid to you...
You know now Facebook allows you to pick a username which shoes on your profile URL... so instead of the long profile serial code thingy that appears at the end of it... you can now customise it to read "*insert cool username here*". :D Yay!

So yea we are supposed to be able to pick our usernames on Saturday (today!) at 12pm but I totally forgot till tonight... but guess what for the first time in heck I actually managed to get ladyvanity!!! Yeap.... and usually it's already nabbed by some chick halfway round the world and I gotta resort to ladyvanity1989 or lv1989 or something marred by numbers and underscores or other. I couldn't even get "". Dammit this page would've been ladyvanity.blogspot if I had my way! So yeap. Haha. All the paranoia about not being able to get a nice, clean n' simple "/ladyvanity"..... and I got it!!


Anyways I'm really looking forward to tommorow... I got an off day and no nothing very special is going on... but I'll be going to bring my new "boys" home tommorow from Subang!!! :D Lol.

Ok lah I'm not getting puppies or kitties... I'm going to pick up bettas. Y' know. Fighting fish....

*awkward silence*

Yes lah go ahead and laugh (I know some of you who do!!!)... whats wrong with liking to keep fighting fish eh? I mean, c'mon if I wanna raise a family of snakes like I've always wanted to I gotta at least be able to take care of FISH, no? Well anyways.... they're not just any kind of betta... they're expensive, breeder-quality betta. Thats why we're going all the way to get them straight from the exporter. :D

And I'm supposed to be studying for my IT and critical thinking quizzes but I seriously am unmotivated to do so.... blah.

Okay. End of random post. Seriously bored.... ERNIE COME HOOOOOME ineedstopokesomeone!!!!! Lol....