Monday, January 25, 2010

A client today told me that she enjoyed my company, and liked talking to me very much, above all our sessions and workouts.

As a personal trainer.... To me that is the highest compliment anyone can pay you.

I felt immensely appreciated that she could see thru the emotional breakdown that I was trying so hard to hide, and showed genuine concern for me. That I wasn't just someone providing a service, and I was a friend. She gave me a glimmer of hope and the confidence that I may just be needing.

Two very special people have showed their concern and care towards me over my recent work issues. Due to privacy issues I will not be stating who. But these two people know very well that they are very loved and valued friends to me for being with me thru this time. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement and motivation, and for your understanding. I know that I am going to pull thru just fine.

Kimmie will be kicking ass!