Friday, January 29, 2010

Happy Thaipusam!

Haha.... I'm so glad to finally have gotten a break, thanks to the public holiday... I've not even the time to open this page sometimes! Oh and if you see me on MSN and I'm not replying... I'm away from the computer alot and probably have just forgotten to turn it off. But well in spite of everything I'm learning how to take it in stride and try to see the silver lining in it.

So what's new? Haha physically nothing's very new... lost 1 or 2 kg IRONICALLY by doing more weight training and less cardio. Or maybe it was cos my stress levels hit the roof? Ngah! No significant changes, I still pretty much look the same apart from a few fresh bruises thanks to pole class......

This is the worst one yet... on my upper arm. Gym mates have been teasing me and asking if I've been abused!

Another nasty, angry one on the calf for swinging too hard into the pole. Argh! No pain, no gain!

I'm making an effort to eat right these days and have always wanted to try some of the yummy-looking protein bars out there in the market. So after a long search... I found these!!

UN Doctor's CarbRite Diet bars! Snapped em' up at Egonutrition Subang Parade - they were out of stock everywhere else, even on their website, and I just saw these by chance sitting on the counter as loose stock. So I asked for them to pack it up and sell it to me as a box. ^^ Yay!

Shit these are so, so good.... perfect for my sugar cravings! I'd have these over a Mars bar anyday and it's so hard to believe they're sugar free too! Great postworkout munchies... Suddenly I don't miss my candy so much anymore. XD

Tony came by yesterday to fix some things up at the gym. I didn't catch him... but he sure did leave us some treats! Hehe. Ultramet bars from Champion Nutrition! Haven't dug into this one yet.... but it's a hell load of calories and carbs in spite of the high protein content. Probably save this for my hardcore days or if I'm gonna be doing shitloads of cardio.

And here is what I typically have for dinner on a worknight. Tandoori chicken and boiled broccoli. Bliss.

Have to go now... hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! I hope I will... wanna make sure I will!! Hehe. Take care!