Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Was a totally crap day at work for me.....

NO, not cos of the people or what I had to do etc... hell, being a personal trainer is one of the things I love most in life.... but cos my ailments have taken a toll of the worse after an extremely explosive arm+chest routine. And I THOUGHT I was going to get better... Looks like I've caught a pretty nasty chill from the combination of aircon + fan + dripping wet in sweat. Doesn't help either that I still haven't gotten my voice back.........

Snivelling + coughing + being dizzy + shivering + being at work = NOT FUN.
Yep. All I did was sit in a corner wrapped in a towel with the nearest fan off.

Will most likely give this weekend's first ever EF outing/dinner/pool party a miss too....... :(((((
I'm sorreeeeeee but everyone's favorite female bodybuilder is too wrecked to rendezvous......

Well.... but despite the fact that work was a total downer.... I came home to a VERY unexpected surprise.

I rushed to turn on the TV for my weekly WWE RAW indulgence.... and saw.....

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EDGE!!!!!!~ The Rated-R Superstar!!!! The most physically perfect, aesthetically pleasing man on the face of this earth....... Omg whats he doing on RAW!?!? Isn't he a Smackdown dude??? (not that I'm complaining.... :P)

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I don't care how big an ass he is on the show...
but he sure is one HAWT piece of ass!! :P

Was all the better that this episode of RAW was really good with the unexpected appearance of Triple H....

Aaaand..... I get tommorow off, and I get to recieve lots and lots of TLC from my Ernie..... :D
I just really, reallyreally hope I don't end up giving him the flu...... x.x