Watchmen was absolute awesome-ness. :D
No I'm not being biased. I'm pretty damn serious. Despite it being 3 hours long, I loved it just as I loved the comic. (and this coming from the gal who complained loads about Dark Knight being too long)
OK fine they had to chop off parts from the comic and change the ending (gave Dr. Manhattan some emotion all of a sudden, and caused a nuclear explosion instead of an 'alien invasion' among other things)... inevitable I suppose if not I can imagine the numerous WTFs coming from people who have NOT read the comic... but besides that the movie was pretty much identical to the comic, with impressive fight scenes. A big wow considering I was expecting the story to be butchered, rushed thru and altered horrifically. And I think director Zack Snyder did a marvellous job with the casting of the roles, especially Patrick Wilson as Dan Dreiberg a.k.a Nite Owl, and Matthew Goode as Adrian Veidt a.k.a Ozymandias - spitting images of their cartoon personas!!
Ok enough about that before I give away too many spoilers and ruin it for everyone. *gets booted* And pics of the promo will be up as soon as they are forwarded to me :DD
On other things.... Remember me being cockily confident that I'll only be getting my collection at incredibly slashed prices, and will never ever splurge on ridiculous, absurdly priced branded lingerie and accessories? Well. Looks like I've got to eat my words now.
Yup. Transaction completed and the package should be arriving anytime within the next coupla days. :DDD Oh gosh I'm as excited as a kid going to Disneyland!! XD
Looking forward to a quiet, cosy Saturday evening away from work and the rest of the world. Just me, my man, a big bag of chips, a coupla DVDs, and a condo with a spectacular view. Bliss.
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