Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hi again, folks!
Before I forget or get too occupied with something else... here's a big fat

to all my wonderful friends and readers!

I hope everyone will have a great time spending the holidays with loved ones. Those travellig outstation, please drive safe and have a pleasant journey! Take a break, time to chill out and wind down... and have bellies full and happy with all the goodies and treats CNY brings! :D Oh and make sure you take a big serving of new year candy, nian gao and barbeque ham on my behalf!! Tee hee hee.

Oooooh who's up for the ang pow collecting???? :D *big fat grin* Yay new supplements and another stash of blueberry cheesecake protein bars!! (damn that stuff is so delicious you won't believe it's good for you!)

I'm hoping to make the best out of my balik kampung trip this time. It's been a very long time since I've gone back to Bahau due to work and other commitments. And also due to the fact that it's a boring place with no internet and no entertainment and you basically watch the idiot box till your brains bleed outta your ears........... Well but this time I'm gonna try make the best out of it, going jogging and hiking and whatnot instead of moaning and groaning. And I guess it will be a welcome break from the current situation here. I've just been surrounded by so much negativity in the past few days, followed by strings of misfortune.... it's exhausting.

But dear Lord.... 4 days without gym access!?!? Bad food?? Recipe for disaster indeed.

And almost a week without my Ernie! Yes I know it's been awhile since I've given him any mention on here. Things have been good between us. I think I'm confident to say that we have grown stronger as a couple and he has indeed been my pillar of strength in times of need. AND an incredibly patient partner, considering this gal here is quite capable of kicking a substantial amount of shit your way! *sigh* Like every other couple we have our ups and downs and our fights and disagreements, but thru that I believe I have learned to see him for who he is, and love him for just that wholeheartedly. Oh speaking of which V-day falls on the same day as CNY this year! So,


Everyone have a good holiday, kay? Lotsa love, take care!

Don't forget to eat your veggies!! XD